Thursday, December 18, 2008

Job opening

I am currently in need of a blog maid. Not sure if that's the right title for the job but I couldn't figure out what else to call it.

Qualifications: TIME! That's it, just time to keep my blog updated.

Pay: Not much, but I'll fix you dinner every now and then:)

Please leave a comment to apply for the job and I'll be doing interviews as soon as I can find 5 mintues in my day without something else that needs to be done.


Lindsi Jo said...

I guess that is what you get for having 5 kids, right. And I guess that is what I have to look forward to since James wants 6...aahhh.....That is if we can have that many. But would you find the time to update it so that I can feel like I am still in the flow and not living far away from you guys anymore :)

Heather said...

My suggestion: Get your kids involved and let them blog about the things they are doing. They might actually like doing it.